Unique Garlic Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Garlic is one of the most healthful foods in the world, low in calories and high in nutrition. Garlic nutrition has many benefits, from fighting the common cold to lowering cholesterol. It is also a blood thinner and anti-inflammatory. There are even some studies that indicate it can protect against Alzheimer’s disease. It also goes well with a variety of foods. It is one of the first herbs to be cultivated, and still grows wild in Italy.


Garlic is a rich source of sulfur compounds, which act as powerful antioxidants and may help prevent a wide range of diseases. It is also a great source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, protein, and mineral compounds. One hundred grams of raw garlic contains only 149 calories. These compounds make garlic a great anti-inflammatory food, and many studies have shown that garlic can improve overall health.

How to Store Garlic: 4 Ways to Make Garlic Last Longer


Garlic has a number of health benefits, including antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also fights against free radicals, which can cause cancer. Garlic also contains zinc and vitamin C, which support the immune system and reduce the risk of infection. It also helps to prevent acne and lighten acne scars. Because of its antioxidant properties, garlic also protects the body from ultraviolet rays and can help prevent cancer. Its health benefits also extend to the digestive system. Studies have shown that garlic can help reduce inflammation and peptic ulcers.


Garlic has many health benefits and can even help fight cancer. Its phytonutrients and anti-oxidants help to eliminate toxins in the body and prevent oxidative stress. This type of stress is harmful to the human body as it leads to DNA mutations and disrupted cell functions. Garlic can also help boost immunity by increasing the number of immune cells in the body. Eating a few cloves of raw garlic each day can help you achieve this goal.


Garlic is a powerful detoxifier and promotes the production of glutathione in the liver. It also contains sulfur and multiple bioactive selenium compounds. Garlic is also useful for its anti-cancer properties.

Helps with acne

Acne is caused by a buildup of bacteria and dirt on the skin. Taking vitamin supplements can help reduce the problem. Vitamin A is found in a variety of foods and has antioxidant properties. It helps the skin remove bacteria and dirt that can cause blackheads and pimples. Zinc also reduces the amount of bacteria on the skin that contribute to acne.

Reduces cholesterol

Eating fish at least twice a week is a great way to reduce cholesterol. Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce levels of bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. They also reduce inflammation in the body and protect the heart from abnormal heart rhythms.

Helps with cancer

A cancer diagnosis can be a devastating event for a person. Many people will spend years battling this disease, and it is estimated that nearly 30 percent of all Americans will suffer from some form of cancer in their lifetime. While two-thirds of those diagnosed will die from the disease, many will be able to live with it for years. That is why researchers are constantly trying to find medicines that help fight the disease and make patients’ lives more comfortable. One patient I know was recently diagnosed with cancer, and his doctor started him on chemo before realizing how serious it was. He was only given three months to live.

Promotes better gut health

Our gut is an important part of our overall health. It breaks down all the food we eat and delivers the nutrients to other parts of our body. It is also the home of our gut microbiome, a trillion-plus bacterial population. Fortunately, many foods have a positive impact on gut health. Eating certain types of vegetables and fruits can help you maintain optimal gut health.

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